Sunday 4 October 2015

MOAB 2015 (Mother Of All Battles)

I managed to get a leave pass to get to MOAB on Saturday. MOAB (the Mother Of All Battles) is about the only real wargaming convention that I manage to get to each year and its always a worthwhile experience in my humble opinion.

Trade floor and demonstration games

Amongst some of the scores I picked up, Mick's Metal Models had some excellent 15mm Longships that look fairly suitable for 10mm, got a stash of Reaper Bones miniatures, the excellent Kings of War Rulebook (ver. 2) and some great Lord of the Rings terrain in the Bring and Buy.

I took a bunch of photos of the event, mostly to capture the variety of games available and some of the excellent paint jobs for inspiration. Most of what was available was 28mm, so not much for the 10mm (God's own wargaming size!) enthusiasts sadly. Dropzone Commander was on sale, but no demo games sadly.

The first group of photos were of some skirmish game. The mini's were excellent. Sadly I don't know what game this was.

Next few are of a Kings of War demo game using the new version 2 rules. Sadly I didn't have time to play the demo. Too much to see and do before I had to head home.

A Bolt Action game being set up. This diorama had a fantastic German submarine in the centre of the map. Obviously it was going to be the primary objective for the Allied Forces.

One the German sub was a funny tribute to Titanic

Fantastic painting detail on this mini.

The gentlemen running this Bolt Action game told me his son now plays and is now a better painter than he is. His son did the fantastic French soldier painted in the image above. His son is now repainting all of his miniatures, much to his chagrin.

The next few images are of a Mad Max demo game.

Also two gladiator demo games.

A Western Game.

Bolt Action demo game in action.

All Quit on the Western Front demo game.

Another Bolt Action game.

A really nice gaming table set up for a skirmish game set in colonial America by the look of it. The game wasn't played whilst I was there. But the terrain set up looked excellent.

A Mantic special, Dreadball.

Another Mantic special game, Warpath.

I could only stay for a few hours, but thank goodness I didn't stay longer. Spent too much as it was whilst I was there anyway.